Ark of Suffering

A Dog's Breakfast

Where Moth And Rust Destroy

Officium Defunctorum

Memento Mori

The Tomb of Gilgamesh

Phantom Limb

Viento Borrascoso (Devastating Wind)

Chamunda Temple Stampede

Pathogenic Ocular Dissonance

Besprinkled in Scarlet Horror

Restoring The Locust Years

You Get What You Pray For

En Hakkore

Longing for Gondwanaland


The Test for Leprosy

Ready or Not

My Promise

The Threshing Floor

Stereotaxic Atrocities

Carry the Wounded


The Peaceful Beauty of Brutal Justice

If Pigs Could Fly


Drinking from the Poisoned Well

The Skeezix Dilemma

Erratic Palpitations of the Human Spirit

Vitals Fading

Ruminating Virulence


Crawl To China

Spectrophobic Dementia

When the Love is Right

Melting The Golden Calf

Drawn And Quartered

Tears of Korah

Servant of the Bones


13 rooms