Anything Jesus Does, I Can Do Better

Recyclable Body Fluids In Human Form


How to Become a Virgin

Live From The Russian Compound

Identity Exchange Program Rectum Return Policy

The Half-Eaten Sausage Would Like to See You in His Office

Wet Dream War Machine

Who Wants A Dose Of The Clap?

Teenage Mustache

Listen, The Mighty Ear Is Here

Earwax Halo Manufactured For The Champion In All Of Us

File Under 'Soft Core Seizures'

Practiced Hatred

Pickup Truck Full Of Forty Minutes

Priest With the Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Get Out of My Bed

psst! is that a halfie in your pants

Captain Gaydar It's Time To Wind Your Clock Again

Kill Roger Hedgecock

Brand New Set of Teeth

Full Frontal Obscurity

Twenty-Three Full-Time Cowboys

Straight From The Horse's Mouth

Stucco Obelisks Labeled as Trees

Scavenger, Invader

Nice Tranquil Thumb in Mouth

How to Build a Pessimistic Lie Detector

Get Off the Cross, the Wood Is Needed

An Extra Piece of Dead Meat

Gluing Carpet to Your Genitals Does Not Make You a Cantaloupe

Twenty-Three Lubed-Up Schizophrenics With Delusions of Grandeur

We Have Reached an Offical Verdict: Nobody Gives A Shit

Hot Tubs Full of Brand New Fuel

Priest With The Sexually Transmitted Diseases Get Out Of My Bed

Follow the Flock, Step in Shit

God Wants Us All To Work In Factories

Book of Bot

Backbones of Jack Asses

Well I'll Be a Monkey's Uncle

Hairspray Suppository

The Locust

13 rooms