Total Pandemonium

Ted Nugent Goes AOL

You'd Be Cuter If I Shot You in the Face

Kissing You Is Like Licking an Ashtray

Doctor Doom, A Man of Science, Doesn't Believe In Jesus, Why The Fuck Do You

On the Run from Johnny Law Ain't No Trip to Cleveland

An Uncomfortable Routine

Damn Girl, That Shit Is Deep Like the Ocean

Make Like a Computer and Get With the Program

Hella Vegas Kids Say Hella


Ultra Carb Diet Carpooling Stupid Fucking Life

And Then the Robots Killed

Antidepressants Are Depressing

The One Above All, the End of All That Is

There Is Never Enough Time to Do Nothing

I Lost My Job to a Machine

I Hate Almost Every Person I Come in Contact With

Rich Hall (Runner Up in a Carson Daly Lookalike Contest)

Absolute Denial of the Ultimate Nullifier

Proclaimed Bat Hunter

There Ain't No CAN'T in AmeriCAN

Your Idea of Fascism and Global Intervention Makes Me Puke

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start

Black Out

Zero MPH Fallover

Utah: The Whoopie Cushion of America

God Is In His Heaven, All Is Right With The World

Nest of the Face Hugger

Blood Mosh Hips Hair Lips Pills Fuck Death

I'm Trying to Fly to the Moon Using Two Magnets and Willpower

I Don't Give a Shit If I'm in Outer Darkness, I'll Make Friends

Curl Up and Die

13 rooms