Autotheist Movement I: Create

Autotheist Movement II: Emancipate


Black Star

Autotheist Movement III: Deconsecrate

Digging the Grave

Coldly Calculated Design

The Spiraling Void

Shape Shifters

Prison Born

Sons of Belial

Accelerated Evolution

An Autopsy

Shake The Disease

Planetary Duality I: Hideous Revelation

Cup of Mephistopheles

Legion of the Serpent

The Eidolon Reality

In Becoming A Ghost

Ten Billion Years


I Am

All Dark Graves

Hail Science

The Terminal Breath


Ghost Reprise


The Ancient Covenant

Planetary Duality II (A Prophecies Fruition)

Horizons of Chaos I: Oracle of the Onslaught

Horizons of Chaos II: Hypocrisy

Coldy Calculated Design

Planetary Duality, Part I: Hideous Revelation

The Faceless

13 rooms
2004年にカリフォルニアで結成されたテクニカルデスメタルバンド。Sumerian Recordsと契約し、2006年に1stアルバムのAkeldamaをリリースした。