Burden of a Day


Pt. 2 Sometimes They Do

It's Lonely At The Top (Or So I've Heard)

Fool Me Once

The Mason

My Forfeit

The Same In Shedding Wool

Sly Foxes

Isadora Duncan

Sorry Seacrest It's Casey's Countdown

I'm Only Laughing On The Outside

The Smile That Kills

Battle For Hoth

White Coats and Their Medicine

Blessed Be Our Ever After

Monsters Among Us

My Shelter


Modern Gentleman

Cupid Missed His Mark

For Tomorrow We Die

Anatomy of a Scene

High Noon

Escapism As An Art Form

Ashes To Ashes

Sound of Solace

No Blood No Foul

Hello My Name Is Euphoria

Lost In The Shuffle

The Shame in Shedding Wool
Burden of a Day
13 rooms
2000年に結成されたアメリカのポストハードコアバンド。2010年に解散。1st及び2ndアルバムのボーカルはKendall Kneppが、3rdはKyle Tamosaitisが担当している。