




First Love

あの日があるから feat. RYO the SKYWALKER

Every Single Day feat. URATA NAOYA (AAA)

Sunshine Baby!


Be mine ~君が好きだよ~

Lovin' you

May J.

13 rooms
May J.(メイジェイ)1988年6月20日生日本、イラン、トルコ、ロシア、スペイン、イギリスのバックグラウンドを持ち多彩な言語を操るマルチリンガルアーティスト。幼児期よりダンス、ピアノ、オペラを学び、作詞、作曲、ピアノの弾き語りからアパレルブランドのカタログモデルをもこなす。2006年ミニアルバム「ALL MY GIRLS」でデビュー。2009年5月にSugar Soul feat. Kenjiの名曲「Garden」のカバーを収録した2ndアルバム「FAMILY」は、オリコン週間アルバムチャート4位を記録し、翌年にリリースした3rdアルバムと、2作連続でオリコン週間アルバムチャートTOP10内にランクイン。全国各地で毎年約100本、海外ではNY、LA、シカゴ、ロンドン、モスクワ、オマーン、台湾、上海、韓国、などでもライブを行う。2008年からNHK BSプレミアムと世界の180以上の国と地域に放送されているNHK WORLDの音楽番組「J-MELO」のメイン司会を務める。May J.’s ProfileMay J. ( born June 20th, 1988) is a multi-lingual J-pop singer-songwriter and TV host who has roots in Japan, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Spain and the UK. From a young age, she dreamed of becoming a singer. She took up piano, dance, voice training and opera lessons. She has done a wide range of activities from song writing to modeling for clothing brands.At the age of 17, she debuted her singing career with her first mini album released in 2006. In 2009, she released her second album “Family” which ranked No.4 on the weekly Japanese billboard chart, “Oricon” and remained in the top 10 for two weeks, making it May J.’s highest ranked and best selling album to date. “Family” also hit the No.1 spot on the iTunes chart for weeks.In February 2010, May J. released her 3rd album entitled “for you” which peaked at No.9 on “Oricon” charts. This put both her albums in the top 10 of the “Oricon”.She performs at nearly a hundred different shows every year. She has performed in different countries as well, such as Taiwan, Shanghai, Korea, New York, Chicago, London, Moscow, Los Angeles, and Oman.May J. has been the main host of NHK World’s all-English Japanese music show “J-MELO” since 2008, which has been broadcasted in more than 180 countries and regions worldwide.